Shipping and return policies for Endless Arc

Shipping Info
We ship within 3 days of placing order
UK should arrive within 1 day of posting... EU between 5 days and 2 weeks depending where you are....switzerland has to pay £8 due to it not being in the EU.....US / India weeks...Japan 1-3 weeks... Australia 4 weeks
Return Policy
Try not to buy something you don't want,
Returns on Lathe records are not possible
Returns on tapes are accepted.

Please understand the nature of Lathe records, they are hand-made and occasionally may have extra grooves at the start where the record is being set up for cutting, all records require different set ups and even different sides require calibration, this depends on the temperature, the moon, mars and the galaxy itself, if any are misaligned catastrophe at the cutting table and record must be re-cut.

Handmade 1:1 recording, we have to cut and listen to every groove we cut.

Of course we will help you out if package is lost but please help us out also by providing all details when asked.